Bienvenue chez Labelle Ikeya – Labelle Ikeya Création Originale
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Particular Multicolored Jewels

Art Craftmen At The Service Of Your Desire

Labelle Ikeya … Mind in the clouds… desire to escape from it all and always high on the colors side !

We are a couple passionate about colors et exotic material. Unheard of assemblages have always led us in our quest of beauty and harmony like treasure to be cherished.

For both of us, the jewels is like an artistic object that shall remain affordable and shall bring light - joy - and that should brighten that day to day life of the lucky one who wears it.

Here is therefore, Agnès the poetic mind who composes all the jewels here and Pascal her husband who flames the Murano Glass with his blow torch and invents all the glass beads. It is your turn to grasp this spark of pleasure, like a prow figure, facing winds and life to rush toward exotic discoveries !

You’ll find here unique treasures simply because the the act of creation can never be fully repeated. Your are unique… so are our jewels.

Our curiosity is the link between you and us, mixed with a good sense of humor, a sense of color assortment and the fact that will want to sparkle the life of the ones who wears Labelle Ikeya Jewels.

Quality of minute details to reach what we feel is close to beautiful in each and every creations is our brand motto.

We live only once, and this one time that we have been offered shall be a beautiful one. So be yourself, be unique and may your life be colorful !

Labelle Ikeya Brand is…

The Art of Bead making live

How to describe your own job when this is passion ? Not a simple exercice that Pascal does pretty well.

Alexandra Pauget

15 Mai 2024
Je suis venue faire un
atelier de 3h avec Pascal.
J'ai aimé son accueil, sa sympathique et ses encouragements. Il a
partagé son expérience, sa technique, avec enthousiaste. Et j'aime
beaucoup son univers créatif très coloré.
Merci beaucoup Pascal et Agnès

Thierry LPB (google)

Fev 2024
Je ne connais pas encore le nouvel atelier, mais la bague commandée est juste superbe !

Nicole LIE PAO

je suis ravie de mes magnifiques boules de Noël !!!!! C'est un travail haut de gamme et minutieux!!!!
Je recommande vivement ce très sympathique Perlier D'art car il fait un travail d'exception !!!!!!
Je crée moi même avec ses perles et le résultat est toujours impeccable!!! Merci Pascal !!!!!

Marie Lise

Une grand merci ! Et bravo


mes boucles sont magnifiques


De belles inspirations pour des cadeaux à faire toujours bien reçus. Que de pépites !


Je fais ma Belle en Labelle Ikeya !

Press releases

Unseen jewels...

with a little soul on top !

Labelle Ikeya initiate the path of creative shops in Pau

Discover what French Hand-Made means…

FR3 Locale when we moved shop

A TV footage by the French channel FR3 that explains why why moved from our town center shop back home in our handmade workshop.

France Bleu Béarn-Bigorre

A quick interview to listen to live. Still up-to-date..

Follow us on Instagram. We have fun there !

Our inspiration and mood